
President Message


Since taking over OTCA we have faced impediments and challenges at every step but by the grace of The Omnipotent (Allah SWT), we have cleared every obstacle and overcame every challenge and have put OTCA among the top associations of Oil Tankers.


Our strategy of integrated growth is based on deliberate planning, meticulous execution, and effective management-focused towards sustainable development. Our continuous growth and success depends, not only on the work we do but also the way we do it. We shall carry over the tradition of teamwork with trust and innovation that is embedded in our success to face new challenges. we would like to bring to our valued clients’ notice that our association, with its competent staff members, stands for Integrated Management System in order to meet desired demand of clients.

About us

Oil Tankers Contractors Association (OTCA)

is a trade body recognized by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Government of Pakistan. OTCA was established to help and resolve the issues of oil tankers owners from all over Pakistan. The Association always rendered best efforts for peaceful dialogues between managements of all relevant departments i.e. Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs), Oil and Gas Development Corporation (OGDC), Refineries, NHA, Chief Secretaries, IGPs, and oil fields of the country.

About Us

Financial Report for last quarter

With continuous and strenuous efforts of the Founder Chairman Malik Safdar, the association has succeeded to form a platform and legal forum for the oil tankers owners from length and breadth of the country. It is a best place and forum to contact and maintain liaison with all relevant departments and organizations for solutions of problems of the oil tanker owners.